Hi everyone!  I hope you are all doing well! It has been some time since my last blog post.  Practically every day I am thinking about possible themes to write about, but I find myself stopping and saying, “Oh I shouldn’t do that because someone else wrote about that.” It is what I call “The Comparison Game,” and most of us are players in it.

Last year I never would have had the nerve to take a picture in the middle of the street like this because I was afraid of what others would think. Now, I don’t mind.


Keeping up with my daily outfit shares comes naturally to me, I mean I love expressing myself through my clothes and telling others about where they can find similar or exact pieces for their closets.  My blog is an extension of what I share on social media and requires much more thought and planning.   It is also very important to target my audience and write about relevant topics. This one is a bit more uncomfortable to write about because it emphasizes vulnerability. I will fully admit that I compare myself to others and often feel like what I did or what I am doing is not right or could be better. This happens as moms, as coworkers, as wives or girlfriends and we have to be more content with ourselves. I feel so grateful for my blogging community because it has connected me to hundreds of other people who share the ups and downs of life with no judgement.


The question is, “How do we stop comparing?”  Honestly, I wish I had the answer!  I can only offer you some reasons why it is not a healthy way of thinking:

  1. Once you begin comparing, it is difficult to stop.
  2. It takes away moments that you can feel joy in yourself.
  3. The focus is often on negatives and not positives.
  4. You are not allowing yourself to live for what you want, you are living for others.


Instead of comparing yourself to others, try comparing yourself to where you were 1 week ago, 1 month ago, or 1 year ago.  Over the last few weeks I have met with so many new people and have really tried to live by these words.  It is definitely a new outlook for me but a much healthier one I might add. As I am getting older, I realize that your life is not made up of measures but of moments. Live for the moments with the ones you love and you will feel fulfilled.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog this week!  Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think!

XO ~ Noreen

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