Hi friends and Happy New Year! Do you have a list of goals for the upcoming year?? It’s that time when everyone asks what your New Year’s Resolutions are. The bigger question is, “Can we achieve them?” In the past, a recurrent goal of mine was to eat healthier. Eventually, I would forget to plan and prepare so I naturally would go back to bad habits.

To combat this, I have decided that selecting one word for the year as the most efficient way to meet goals and make changes. In spite of my difficulty following through, I have come up with a word that will foster improvement across the board. That is why I chose the word: CONSISTENCY.

Yes, I am going to be more consistent in all areas of my life…eating, exercise, blogging, family, you name it! It keeps things simple and focused, which is what I need.

I learned about this idea from a fellow blogger, and I loved it! This past weekend I planned most of my meals for the week and I shopped for what was needed. Guess what? It really did work! In fact, I made the kids pasta with carbonara sauce and I happily ate my brown rice, corn salsa, and sweet potato bowl. It’s not as if I didn’t miss the meal they were eating, but I was prepared so I did not fall into the trap of eating whatever.

Another aspect of my life that I am working on being more consistent with is my blog. I really enjoy sharing this part of my life with you, and plan on doing so more regularly! Therefore, leave me feedback; because that will motivate me to work harder!

This is usually my space to share all things fashion, but this is so much a part of me right now, that it only makes sense to let you in on my new mantra. So here’s to CONSISTENCY in 2021! Thank you for stopping by the blog today!

XO ~ Noreen

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