Hello! After my Instagram poll, I discovered that most people wanted something more personal on the blog. This week I will step away from sharing styling advice and tell you about how I begin each day.  It’s always nice to change things up a bit.

For those of you who may not know me personally, I taught elementary school for 12 years and have been home with my own children for the last 4 years.   When I was a working mom, I had to be up and ready each morning along with my own kids.  Once I began staying home, I was used to getting up and starting my day by getting ready as if I was heading to work, so it made perfect sense to continue this routine:)

Every morning (yes, even on weekends) I set my alarm to wake up at 6 a.m. before my 3 children so I can take a shower and get ready.  It helps me feel prepared to tackle anything when I am showered, dressed and wearing some makeup!  Does anyone else feel the same? This allows me to make breakfast, pack lunches, and focus on the kids getting out the door to school with more ease.

Let’s not forget coffee though! I absolutely must begin my day with a cup of coffee.  Yes, I know people say it’s not so healthy to rely on caffeine…but a girl has to do what a girl has to do! Oh and I drink it with half and half and sugar! One of these days I will break this habit. Are you guys coffee drinkers too?

Another part of my morning routine is to write a note to my children each day.  My oldest son is almost 10 and my  daughter is 8, but they still enjoy reading notes from me:) So until they tell me to stop…I will keep writing to them!  My youngest is only 2, so we haven’t begun notes just yet.

Once everyone is out the door to school and my husband is off to work, it is just the baby and I.  We love spending time outside when we can and he is my sidekick on all of my daily errands.  I am definitely looking forward to warmer weather days when we can visit the park and take longer walks.  Thanks for visiting me this week, until next time!

xo~ Noreen

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